Growing Plants

Seed Sowing - Week 7

At SimplySeed we have been been busy sowing and this week has seen the start of some of the early summer seeds, such as verbena, ageratum, salvia, and nemesia.....

Kale, Winter Stalwart

In previous years I've only grown curly kale, but this July I planted a few cavolo nero seeds too for a change.

In an interesting twist, the dark flatter leaves of the cavolo nero don't seem as attractive to the white fly.....


Planting Onions & Garlic

I’ve just finished planting out my onions and garlic sets. I prefer autumn planting onion sets, not because I think there’s any difference in the final onion quality, it’s really because I get itchy planting fingers in the autumn. A few hours spent planting sets gives me just enough of a cultivation fix to see me through until next year.


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