
49 Products in Total.
American / Land Cress
American / Land Cress

Best grown in shaded, but warm areas it is mainly used in.....

Average Content: 750 Seeds

Broad Bean Imp. Green Longpod
Broad Bean Imp. Green Longpod

Imperial Green Longpod has very good flavour and.....

Average Contents : 30 Seeds

Broad Bean Super Aquadulce
Broad Bean Super Aquadulce

Very popular, the standard variety for overwintering.....

Average Contents : 40 seeds

Broad Bean The Sutton
Broad Bean The Sutton

Broad Bean The Sutton is a good choice for exposed sites.....

Average Contents : 30 seeds

Carrot Chatenay Red Core
Carrot Chatenay Red Core

Chatenay Red Core is regaining popularity due to its exceptionally.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Cauliflower Clipper
Cauliflower Clipper

Maybach is sown in October then overwintered and planted out early spring.....

Seed Packet Contents: 20 Seeds

Cauliflower Redoubtable
Cauliflower Redoubtable

Redoubtable produces good uniform heads which are larger than most other Roscoff.....

Seed Packet Contents 20 Seeds

Cress Seeds
Cress Seeds

Average Content: 40g

Any 3
for £6.99
Elephant Garlic
Elephant Garlic

For best results plant end of September / October.

Elephant Garlic  - 500g Bulk Pack
Elephant Garlic - 500g Bulk Pack

For best results plant September / October.

Garlic Bulbs Economy Pack
Garlic Bulbs Economy Pack

Economy pack of softneck type garlic bulbs. All varieties selected to perform in UK conditions.....

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Carcassonne Wight
Garlic Carcassonne Wight

Considered the most successful of all hardnecks in UK...

Plant from September to February for best yield.

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Kingsland Wight
Garlic Kingsland Wight

Versatile hardneck garlic. Some French consider this to be the best tasting of all French garlic.

Can be planted autumn or early spring but dislikes wet conditions.

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Maddock Wight
Garlic Maddock Wight

One of the earliest maturing varieties.

Plant from September to December for best yield.

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Mersley Wight
Garlic Mersley Wight

Great for storage.

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Provence Wight
Garlic Provence Wight

Large white softneck garlic that can produce huge bulbs.

Best Autumn planted, can be Spring planted although will produce smaller bulbs

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Rhapsody Wight
Garlic Rhapsody Wight

One of the earliest maturing varieties.

Plant from September to December for best yield.

Any 3
for £6.99
Garlic Solent Wight
Garlic Solent Wight

The best garlic in terms of overall eating and keeping quality.

November to January planting best but crops well from end March planting.

Kale Red Ruble
Kale Red Ruble

Iron rich babyleaf kale.....
Average Contents : 450 seeds

Lambs Lettuce Verte De Cambrai
Lambs Lettuce Verte De Cambrai

Lambs Lettuce is probably one of the most used salad......

Av. Packet Contents : 2.5g, approx 1250 seeds


A very prolific cropper, which will reform after cutting.....

Average Contents : 350 seeds

Mizuna Red Empire
Mizuna Red Empire

Great for mixed salads, will reform after cutting.....

Average Contents : 350 seeds

Mustard Red Lace
Mustard Red Lace

Red Lace is a very prolific cropper, mix with other salad leaves.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Any 3
for £6.99
Onion Sets Autumn Champion - Autumn Planting
Onion Sets Autumn Champion - Autumn Planting
Any 3
for £6.99
Onion Sets Radar - Autumn Planting
Onion Sets Radar - Autumn Planting
Onion Sets Radar - Buy in Bulk
Onion Sets Radar - Buy in Bulk
From  £7.49
Any 3
for £6.99
Onion Sets Red Winter - Autumn Planting
Onion Sets Red Winter - Autumn Planting
Any 3
for £6.99
Onion Sets Senshyu - Autumn Planted Japanese Type
Onion Sets Senshyu - Autumn Planted Japanese Type
Pak Choi Goku F1
Pak Choi Goku F1

Pak Cho Goku is an exciting new slow bolting hybrid.....

Average Contents : 50 seeds

Pak Choi Mei Qing Choi
Pak Choi Mei Qing Choi

Pak Choi Mei Qing Choi is rated as the best variety.....

Av. Packet Contents : 50 seeds

Pak Choi Red F1
Pak Choi Red F1

An eye catching variety, featuring leaves that have purple-red upper sides.....

Average Contents : 250 seeds

Pea Douce Provence
Pea Douce Provence

Can be sown November, or early Spring for early cropping.....

Average Contents: 40g Seeds

Pea Meteor
Pea Meteor

Meteor is a superb dwarf variety for exposed plots and container.....

Approx Seed Count: 40g Seeds

Pea Shoots Seeds 4018
Pea Shoots Seeds 4018

Premium variety for especially bred for pea shoots.....

Average Contents : 675 seeds

Pea Shoots Seeds 4019
Pea Shoots Seeds 4019

Larger Premium variety for especially bred for pea shoots.....

Average Contents : 50g seeds

Radish Cherry Belle
Radish Cherry Belle

Radish Cherry Belle is the standard amateur round globe variety.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

Radish China Rose
Radish China Rose

China Rose produces long stump ended roots.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Radish French Breakfast
Radish French Breakfast

French Breakfast is a vigorous, fast growing radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Radish Panter
Radish Panter

Black round winter radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 2g seeds

Radish Pink Beauty
Radish Pink Beauty

Rather unique pink coloured radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 230 seeds

Radish Red Meat
Radish Red Meat

The watermelon radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 1g seeds

Salad Leaves Frilly Leaf Mixed
Salad Leaves Frilly Leaf Mixed

Average Contents: 2g, approx 1200 Seeds

Salad Leaves Lettuce Green Batavia
Salad Leaves Lettuce Green Batavia

Green Batavia Lettuce variety suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Lettuce Red Cos
Salad Leaves Lettuce Red Cos

Suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed
Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed

Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Oriental Mixed
Salad Leaves Oriental Mixed

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Pak Choi Colour Crunch
Salad Leaves Pak Choi Colour Crunch

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Marksman
Spring Onion Marksman

Marksman is a F1 Hybrid and probably the best salad type for later sowings.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Sweetcorn Shoots Seeds
Sweetcorn Shoots Seeds

Special selected variety for growing sweetcorn shoots.....

Average Contents : 100g seeds