I bought these last year and made 3 sowings, 1 in autumn direct and protected with glass, 1 in loo rolls in greenhouse in Feb and last direct in March. Every single bean germinated and produced carrier bags full of delicious beans.
I bought these seeds intending to plant in the autumn, however time got the better of me. I planted the seeds on Wednesday 31st Dec and left in a propagator, min 16 C, max 25 C. These had germinated by Wednesday 7th January, 100 % sucess rate, so I am very pleased.
These will be grown on in a cold green house for a couple of weeks and depending on soil conditions I will plant out under cloches towards the end of the month. Hoping to get an early crop in.
Stood up well over the winter coming on strong from Feb onwards. Needs staking and securing. Plants were robust producing lots of flowers and pods. Picking out tips encouraged fuller pods. Only criticism is the shell is quite bitter but a little sugar in the water when cooking did the trick. buy with confidence
I planted two rows in October. Germination was excellent and plants grew strongly. They were protected with fleece during hard frosts and came through without loss for an early crop.
Good use of a plot through winter.
Green Bush can be picked as courgettes, or left to mature into.....
Packet Content: 25 Seeds
Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....
Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds