Broad Bean Imperial Green Longpod Seeds

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Packet of Broad Bean Longpod SeedsBroad Bean Imperial Green Longpod is a popular variety amongst allotment growers. It is a high yielding variety giving up to 8 green beans per pod with a very good flavour. A good variety for freezing.

Average Packet Contents: 30 seeds

Broad Bean Imp. Green Longpod Grow Notes
When to Sow Seeds: February to April - In cell trays or later direct sown outside
Germination Temperature: 12 ℃ Cover Seeds: Yes
Time to Germination: 10 - 14 Days Frost Hardy: Yes, Best protected early Spring.
Spacing Between Plants: 12cm Row Spacing: 30cm
Plant Height: 45cm Planting Position: Sun


Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sow In Trays:                        
Sow Direct:                        

General Broad Bean Seeds Growing Tips

Broad beans are the first legumes to be harvested, and with a succession of sowings you can have broad beans available right from June into September.

In mild areas you can sow Broad Beans - usually varieties such as Super Aquadulce or The Sutton in the autumn for a early crop the following year. During cold weather it pays to cover the plants with fleece for added protection.

  • Sow the broad bean seeds either in large cells or direct in the ground, about 5cm deep and 20cm apart; dwarf varieties can be sown 15cm apart if you are short of space.
  • They are commonly sown in double rows approx. 20cm apart, with a gap of 60cm between each double row.
  • Once through feed regularly.
  • Taller varieties will need support, place a cane at the end of the double row and run a string round the plants and canes. Repeat as they grow giving support as needed.
  • Broad beans can be attacked by aphids. One way to reduce the damage is to pinch out the top 7.5cm of the plants when the first pods start are seen. Alternatively you can spray with SB Plant Invigorator.
  • When picking pods to shell wait until the beans can be seen through the pod. Do not leave them too long as once the scar on the bean turns black, the beans start becoming tougher.

Customer Reviews
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2 Reviews:

Broad Bean Imperial green long pod
16 January 2014  |  Richard

I've grown this variety for a number of years and they have always given a good yield. I start them off in pots in Feb in the greenhouse then plant out once established. This helps minimise damage from voles eating the seed.

tasty alternative
08 January 2014  |  T

Like Aquadulce , a heritage variety dating back to 1800's, whereas as the Sutton was introduced in 1923. They're all AGM winners. The Sutton has pods only 12", 3" shorter than the other two.

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