Beetroot Boltardy is the most popular variety for early and.....
Average Contents : 350 seeds
Chatenay Red Core is regaining popularity due to its exceptionally.....
Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds
Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....
Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds
Back by demand! Popular early season variety.....
Av. Packet Contents : 30 seeds
This has to be one of the most versatile and tasty pea varieties, fairly easy to grow, as they get bigger any extra shoots can be eaten as pea shoots, then they can be harvested early as 'mangetout', then as sweet sugar snaps and later, when they get a bit big - as peas. All nice and tasty, can grow quite close together too. One of our best crops, most eaten by the children before they get indoors!
Really tasty - straight off the plant, or steamed lightly, they provided peas for a long period (with successional sowing). Recommended.