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Rooster Potato Seed

(VAT Free)
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Pack of 1kg potato tubers

  • enough for a 12ft row,
In stock
Potatoes are not included in the 'small seed packet' free delivery deal.

As well as being Ireland’s most popular potato, the Rooster potato is now a best seller in mainland Britain.  It is regarded as an all rounder, and has a very distinctive red skin and shallow eyes. It has a floury yellow flesh which has unique all rounder properties.  This variety is a 'special' maincrop potato.It has a floury yellow flesh which has unique all rounder properties. It is an amazingly versatile potato which is perfect for boiling, mashing, steaming and baking.

Seed Potatoes Are Now Being Despatched.

Or.... Why not delay your Potato Order!

​Do you struggle to hold your seed potatoes in a good condition until the weather is right for planting?? With SimplySeed you are now able to order your Seed Potatoes for delivery ASAP, or during check out, select for a delayed delivery in February or March. Keep your potatoes in our temperature controlled cold store rather than struggling with them at home, and we'll deliver them on a week specified by you.

NOTE: We will hold all your order - if you want packet seeds earlier, then please place 2 separate orders. 

Rooster Potato Seed.

Rooster Potato Seed Grow Notes
When to Plant Seed Potatoes: April / May - Best sown direct outside
Cooking Comments: A firm, waxy texture and excellent flavour.
Maturity: Main crop Cover: Yes
Blight Resistance: Moderate Frost Hardy: No
Scab Resistance: Moderate Eelworm (PCN) Resistance: Moderate
Spacing Between Plants: 30cm Row Spacing: 60cm
Plant Height: 70cm Planting Position: Sun
Yearly Average Bag Counts
Count per bag depends on the previous growing season and size of the tuber grade out, below we list the average number across a count of 10 bags of this variety.
2022: TBC    

How To Grow Rooster Potatoes

Soil preparation for maincrop seed potatoes

Cara Seed Potatoes - The Allotment Choice.Prepare the soil for maincrop potato beds during November or December in the year prior to growing crops. Incorporate generous amounts of organic matter or well-rotted manure, which will help improve soil structure, retain moisture and to add vital nutrients to the soil. Light sandy soils and heavy clay soils may require additional compost to aid drainage, which is very important for the successful growing of potatoes.

Order or buy your maincrop seed potatoes in late February or early March so that you have them ready to plant in April when favourable conditions allow. 

All potatoes prefer an open sunny position and it’s always advisable not to plant seed potatoes in ground that has been previously used to grow potatoes for 2 years or more. Good practice is to rotate crops each year to help reduce the possibility of spreading disease.

Maincrop seed potatoes will benefit from chitting, which is the process of placing the sets in a light, cool place prior to planting. This will encourage the growth of new shoots, giving the tubers a safe head start.

Planting maincrop seed potatoes in beds

Planting is best carried out on a dry day in April, ensuring any frost has first lifted from the soil. Lightly rake the prepared beds, in which the potato crop will be grown, so that you have a manageable tilth. Next, using a spade, dig a straight and even trench approximately 10cm deep and then place the seed potatoes at a distance of 45cm apart. If growing more than one row, space each row at around 75cm apart. Each seed potato has a rose end, which usually has the most shoots, and this end should be facing upwards. Cover the seed potatoes with soil and lightly firm down with the foot or back of the spade.

A sprinkling of potato fertiliser can then be spread over the top of the soil and water applied. If frosts are prevalent, do not over water as this could cause damage should the water later freeze. Also to prevent damage to the emerging shoots, it is recommended you cover the planted trenches with cloches until the new shoots appear. Regular watering during dry spells will ensure the young tubers swell and stay firm and healthy.

Cara Potatoes, Lift in the AutumnGeneral aftercare

General aftercare consists of regular watering, especially during dry periods. Maincrop potatoes need quite a lot of water so it’s important the plants are not allowed to dry out.

As the young shoots grow you should “earth up” the potato stems to protect them from frosts and to ensure the new younger potatoes, nearest the surface are not exposed to light. If they are exposed to light they will begin to go green, making the potatoes inedible.  

During the growing season additional fertiliser can be applied every 2-3 weeks to ensure plants obtain sufficient nutrients to keep them growing strong and healthy.

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Customer Reviews
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2 Reviews:

31 December 2012  |  Mark

We regularly grow Rooster potatoes finding them great for roast or mash .
We had a good 2012 crop despite the muddy conditions , the only negative was the number of worm holes otherwise it would be 5 star. I have ordered them again for 2013

excellent all rounder
29 December 2012  |  Ann

brilliant tattie for every use especially jacket tatties, chips or roast. performed quite well this year in the garden even though the grounds remained wet all year!