Introducing the remarkable Vivacious Tomato, a groundbreaking variety developed by Burpee. These radiant orange-scarlet fruits are a true marvel, boasting an exquisite blend of flavours and an impressive beta-carotene content that covers 50% of your daily recommended vitamin A intake in just one tomato.
The tomatoes are elegantly oval-shaped, delivering a robust and succulent meatiness that's perfectly complemented by a harmonious balance of sweetness and acidity.
Boasting a yield of 70 stunning fruits per plant, each measuring 5-7cm in size. These vibrant gems are ideal for both immediate consumption and culinary creations. Whether you're enjoying them fresh or incorporating them into your favorite dishes, the Vivacious Tomato promises an exceptional taste sensation.
These tomato plants will reach a height of 150cm, with a spread of 70-75cm. With a maturity period of just 70 days, you'll be savoring fruits in no time.
A indeterminate variety.
Average Packet Contents: 10 Seeds