Onion Seeds

17 Products in Total.
Onion Hybound
Onion Hybound

Hybound is an early variety, that stores well.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Fasto
Onion Fasto

Fasto is a good quality early maincrop variety.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Seeds Rijnsburger
Onion Seeds Rijnsburger

Excellent quality, high yields, and good storage.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

OverWinter / Japanese Onion Seeds Toughball
OverWinter / Japanese Onion Seeds Toughball

Onion Toughball is the best overwinter variety from seed.....

Average Contents : 100 seeds

Red Onion Red Baron
Red Onion Red Baron

Produces globed, to semi globed shaped bulbs that.....

Average Contents : 250 seeds

Red Onion Ruby Red
Red Onion Ruby Red

A mild flavoured onion that is slightly sweet and slightly sharp.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Kosma
Onion Kosma

Kosma is a sweet flavoured, white bulbing variety.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Onion Exhibition
Onion Exhibition

For Kelsae fans, we are recommending this variety for growing this coming season.

Average Contents : 100 seeds

Onion Paris Silverskin
Onion Paris Silverskin

Paris Silverskin is the standard pickling onion variety.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Onion Simane
Onion Simane

A red skinned variety which produces elongated pinky.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Shallot Matador
Shallot Matador

A high yielding shallot variety with great flavour.....

Average Contents : 100 seed

Spring Onion Marksman
Spring Onion Marksman

Marksman is a F1 Hybrid and probably the best salad type for later sowings.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Ishikura
Spring Onion Ishikura

A robust Japanese bunching salad onion variety, renowned for its vigorous growth and flavour......

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Ramrod
Spring Onion Ramrod

Ramrod is a very high performing, winter hardy, stiff leaved Lisbon type.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Tipika
Spring Onion Tipika

Suitable for both spring and autumn sowings. Tipika thrives even in cooler climates......

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Redmate
Spring Onion Redmate

Redmate is a versatile variety. It can be used not only as a.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion White Lisbon
Spring Onion White Lisbon

White Lisbon is the standard variety for bulbing salad.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds