What Vegetable Seeds to sow in April

340 Products in Total.
Mooli Minowase Summer Cross
Mooli Minowase Summer Cross

A versatile and easy-to-grow vegetable.....

Av. Packet Contents : 2g seeds

Okra Super Bhindi
Okra Super Bhindi

Okra Super Bhindi is early and prolific in growth.....

Average Packet Contents : 20 seeds

Onion Fasto
Onion Fasto

Fasto is a good quality early maincrop variety.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Hybound
Onion Hybound

Hybound is an early variety, that stores well.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Julia
Onion Julia

Julia is a good quality early maincrop variety.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Kosma
Onion Kosma

Kosma is a sweet flavoured, white bulbing variety.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Onion Paris Silverskin
Onion Paris Silverskin

Paris Silverskin is the standard pickling onion variety.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Onion Seeds Rijnsburger
Onion Seeds Rijnsburger

Excellent quality, high yields, and good storage.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Onion Simane
Onion Simane

A red skinned variety which produces elongated pinky.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Onion Walla Walla
Onion Walla Walla

A delightfully sweet, mild onion with a satisfying crunch .....

Average Contents : 200 seeds


Looks like Parsley, but tastes of celery, easy to grow.....

Av. Seed Contents: 100 Seeds

Parsnip Gladiator
Parsnip Gladiator

Gladiator is the market leading variety that all other parsnips.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Parsnip Tender and True
Parsnip Tender and True

Average Contents : 350 seeds

Parsnip White Spear
Parsnip White Spear

One of the most verstile varieties.....

Average Contents : 200 seeds

Pea Early Onward
Pea Early Onward

Variety popular with gardeners.

Av. Packet Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Hurst Greenshaft
Pea Hurst Greenshaft

A high yielding reliable maincrop variety.....

Average Packet Contents: 40g Seeds
Pea Johan
Pea Johan

A high yielding disease resistant variety.....

Average Packet Contents: 40g Seeds
Pea Kelvedon Wonder
Pea Kelvedon Wonder

Pea Kelvedon Wonder is a heavy cropping second early.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Meteor
Pea Meteor

Meteor is a superb dwarf variety for exposed plots and container.....

Approx Seed Count: 40g Seeds

Pea Onward
Pea Onward

Pea Onward is a high yielding variety, that is well regarded.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Petit Pois Petit Provencal
Pea Petit Pois Petit Provencal

Petit Provencal is a traditional french variety.....

Average Contents: 40g seeds

Pea Sabrina
Pea Sabrina

Superb in trials, staying mildew free when others.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Shoots Seeds 4018
Pea Shoots Seeds 4018

Premium variety for especially bred for pea shoots.....

Average Contents : 50g seeds

Pea Shoots Seeds 4019
Pea Shoots Seeds 4019

Larger Premium variety for especially bred for pea shoots.....

Average Contents : 50g seeds

Pea Snack Hero
Pea Snack Hero

Superb in trials, staying mildew free when others.....

Average Contents : 20g seeds

Pea Sugar Snap Lusaka
Pea Sugar Snap Lusaka

Lusaka is a very sweet high yielding sugar snap variety.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Sugar Snap Purple Magnolia
Pea Sugar Snap Purple Magnolia

Purple Magnolia is a unique Sugar Snap variety.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Pea Sugar Snap Sugar Jumbo
Pea Sugar Snap Sugar Jumbo

This variety boasts a quick maturity period.....

Average Contents : 40g seeds

Perpetual Spinach 'Everglade'
Perpetual Spinach 'Everglade'

Perpetual Spinach is more or less trouble free crop.....

Av. Packet Contents : 200 seeds

Pumpkin Challenger
Pumpkin Challenger

Ideal for growing large Halloween lanterns.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Gold Medal
Pumpkin Gold Medal

Best selling variety for growing large Halloween lanterns.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Knuckle Head
Pumpkin Knuckle Head

Could this be the ultimate in Halloween pumpkins?.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Mellow Yellow
Pumpkin Mellow Yellow

Could this be the ultimate in Halloween pumpkins?.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Mini Mix
Pumpkin Mini Mix

Mixture of varieties suitable for growing for Halloween displays.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Polar Bear
Pumpkin Polar Bear

Produces extra large white pumpkins.....

Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Pumpkin Triple Treat
Pumpkin Triple Treat

Good for growing medium sized pumpkins for Halloween lanterns.....

Average Packet Contents : 15 seeds

Radicchio Rossa di Verona
Radicchio Rossa di Verona

Radicchio is also known as ‘Red Hearted Chicory’. It has gained.....

Average Contents : 1g seeds

Radish Albena
Radish Albena

Albena is a white round radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Radish Cherry Belle
Radish Cherry Belle

Radish Cherry Belle is the standard amateur round globe variety.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

Radish China Rose
Radish China Rose

China Rose produces long stump ended roots.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Radish Diana
Radish Diana

Striking purple and white skinnned with.....

Av. Contents : 500 seeds

Radish French Breakfast
Radish French Breakfast

French Breakfast is a vigorous, fast growing radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Radish Panter
Radish Panter

Black round winter radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 2g seeds

Radish Pink Beauty
Radish Pink Beauty

Rather unique pink coloured radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 230 seeds

Radish Red Meat
Radish Red Meat

The watermelon radish.....

Av. Packet Contents : 1g seeds

Radish Sparkler
Radish Sparkler

Radish Sparkler has a mild flavour with crisp flesh.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

Rocket Dragons Fire
Rocket Dragons Fire

Excellent for flavour. Something a bit different for the salad bowl.....

Average Contents : 0.31g seeds

Rocket Uber
Rocket Uber

Uber has the vigour of salad rocket with the wild rocket flavour.....

Average Contents : 400 seeds

Romanesco Minaret
Romanesco Minaret

Minaret is a smaller open pollinated Romanesco variety that produces.....

Average Packet Contents : 50 seeds

Romanesco Navona
Romanesco Navona

F1 Navona is a romanesco cauliflower producing a uniform.....

Average Packet Contents : 20 seeds

Salad Leaves Bright And Spicy
Salad Leaves Bright And Spicy

Cut and come again mixed salad seeds.....

Average Contents : 2g, approx 1200 seeds

Salad Leaves Frilly Leaf Mixed
Salad Leaves Frilly Leaf Mixed

Average Contents: 2g, approx 1200 Seeds

Salad Leaves Lettuce Green Batavia
Salad Leaves Lettuce Green Batavia

Green Batavia Lettuce variety suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Lettuce Red Cos
Salad Leaves Lettuce Red Cos

Suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed
Salad Leaves Mesclun Mixed

Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....

Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Mustard Mixed
Salad Leaves Mustard Mixed

Cut and come again mixed mustard seeds.....

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Oriental Mixed
Salad Leaves Oriental Mixed

Average Contents : 1000 seeds

Salad Leaves Pak Choi Colour Crunch
Salad Leaves Pak Choi Colour Crunch

Average Contents : 500 seeds


Salsify is one of the lesser known root vegetables, and is also.....

Av. Packet Contents : 130 seeds

Scorzonera Maxima
Scorzonera Maxima

Scorzonera is not the prettiest of vegetable to look at, but has very good flavour.....
Average Packet Contents : 130 seeds

Shallot Matador
Shallot Matador

A high yielding shallot variety with great flavour.....

Average Contents : 100 seed

Sorrel Red Veined
Sorrel Red Veined

Sorrel Red Veined is a great herb for mixing into salads.....

Av. Packet Contents : 300 seeds

Spinach Harp
Spinach Harp

Harp is very fast from sowing to harvest.....

Av. Packet Contents : 300 seeds

Spinach Monterey
Spinach Monterey

Monterey is a versatile, but slower growing variety.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Spinach Santa Cruz
Spinach Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz is a versatile, but slower growing variety.....

Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Ishikura
Spring Onion Ishikura

A robust Japanese bunching salad onion variety, renowned for its vigorous growth and flavour......

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Lilia
Spring Onion Lilia

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Ramrod
Spring Onion Ramrod

Ramrod is a very high performing, winter hardy, stiff leaved Lisbon type.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Redmate
Spring Onion Redmate

Redmate is a versatile variety. It can be used not only as a.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion Tipika
Spring Onion Tipika

Suitable for both spring and autumn sowings. Tipika thrives even in cooler climates......

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Spring Onion White Lisbon
Spring Onion White Lisbon

White Lisbon is the standard variety for bulbing salad.....

Average Contents : 500 seeds

Squash Patty Pan Custard Twinkle
Squash Patty Pan Custard Twinkle

Custard Twinkle is an excellent yellow pie-shaped patty pan variety.....

Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Squash Patty Pan Sunbeam
Squash Patty Pan Sunbeam

Sunbeam is an excellent yellow pie-shaped patty pan variety.....

Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Squash Tromboncino
Squash Tromboncino

A different type of courgette.....

Packet Content: 10 Seeds

Starter Pack 1 - 6 Packets Vegetable Seeds
Starter Pack 1 - 6 Packets Vegetable Seeds

6 Packets Vegetable Seeds to start your order with at a bundled discount price!!

Summer Squash Zephyr
Summer Squash Zephyr

Zephyr is a distinctive summer squash variety.....

Packet Contents : 10 seeds

Swede Best of All
Swede Best of All

Best of All is ideal for October to January cropping.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

Swede Gowrie
Swede Gowrie

Gowrie is an early purple skinned variety that offers Club Root.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

Swede Marian
Swede Marian

Marian is a purple topped, yellow fleshed variety with resistance to.....

Av. Packet Contents : 250 seeds

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