Trailing Petunia Seeds - Red Velour

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Packet of Trailing Petunia SeedsWave is a trailing Petunia that just looks great in baskets and containers, either mixed or by itself. The plant produces masses of blooms on cascading stems, that flower freely all summer. The plant has been extensively tested under UK conditions.

Variety: Petunia Wave Red Velour

Average Packet Contents 16 Pelleted Seed

NOTE - Cover seeds with polythene, pelleted seeds need a higher humidity.

Ideal Plant Spacing: For this variety ideal plant spacing is 30cm apart, or 3 / 4 in a large container.


Trailing Petunia Seeds - Red Velour Grow Notes
When to Sow Seeds: February to Late April - In cell trays with a bit of heat to get started.
Germination Temperature: 18 ℃ Cover Seeds: Yes, polythene for humidity
Time to Germination: 7 - 14 Days Frost Hardy: No, provide frost protection.
Spacing Between Plants: 50cm Growth Habit: Trailing / Spreading
Plant Height: 25cm Planting Position: Sun

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Plant Out:                        

General Guide to Growing Trailing Petunias from Seed.

Seed sowing

Trailing petunia plugs are quite expensive and so the focus here is on the seed grown, trailing “Wave” varieties. Seeds tend to be sold in pellet form, which means they have a coating around them made from a clay-like substance, which makes for easy handling and accurate sowing.

For best results, sow the seeds thinly or well-spaced, into trays of seed compost from mid-February to late April at a temperature of 18C - 21C. Apply water to the seed trays using a watering can and a light rose. It’s important to ensure the seeds are not covered and the temperature is maintained until germination, so a greenhouse or propagator would be ideal. It’s also important to ensure the compost does not dry out before germination and so it’s recommended you cover the trays with cling film. Remove the cling film when the seeds have germinated.

Potting on and hardening off

When at least 2 true leaves have appeared they will be ready for transplanting to 7.5cm pots or modular trays. Use a proprietary potting compost and carefully transplant the seedlings. Keep them watered and warm during this growing period. The seedlings will be quite tender and delicate at this stage so take care when handling and do not over water. The young plants should be placed in a light and airy position but not exposed to direct sunlight. The degree of light and warm temperature will determine how quickly the young plants will grow.

When the plant’s leaves or rosettes have reached the edge of the pot they will be ready to transfer to a cold frame for hardening off. It should take around 2-3 weeks for the plants to acclimatise and during this time they must be kept free from the effects of damaging frost. If frost is forecast then cover the cold frame with polythene or fleece to protect the young plants. The plants should be ready for planting out into beds, containers or hanging baskets towards the end of May when all danger of frost has passed.

Planting out

If you intend to plant your trailing petunias into beds or borders for groundcover effect then the plants will benefit from a sprinkling of general NPK slow release fertiliser at planting time. Plant them at 30cm apart. For all types of containers, use a quality potting compost and incorporate a general slow-release fertiliser. A large container will take 3 or 4 plants. Petunias prefer a sunny position, which will also encourage them to produce an abundance of flowers. Ensure plants are kept well-watered during dry spells.

Growing in hanging baskets

The Wave variety of trailing petunias will grow to around 120cm (4 feet) so you can expect a long cascade of colour all through the summer months. A 30cm hanging basket will take 3 or 4 petunia plants and there might just be enough room for a few trailing lobelia for added effect. Your hanging baskets will need lots of water, which should be applied daily, preferably in the evenings when the sun has gone down. A fortnightly liquid feed will keep the plants growing and flowering profusely.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Plant Out:                        

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